Working Structure Fire
By Member Alex Smith
February 1, 2025

AT 00:21 hours our Dispatch Office notified us of a reported house on fire at 8 Linda Lane. 1 minute later Southampton PD Dispatch advised their Sergeant was on scene with a working house fire with propane tanks in proximity. Chief of Dept. Rick Nydegger (30) and Assistant Chief Lou Stellato (32) were on scene at the same time and confirmed the working fire. Engine 7-5-1 was first in followed by Ladder 7-5-3. Tanker 7-5-7, Rescue 7-5-5 and Engine 7-5-2 subsequently followed. East Quogue FD was requested to standby at HQ's with an engine and a ladder, and Southampton for RIT. Hampton Bays VAC was requested for FF Rehab. Due to the intensity of the fire EQFD was redirected to the scene and Flanders FD sent an engine to our HQ's. Units were up and in service by 02:45 hours and the scene was turned over to the Town Fire Marshals Office.

Chiefs: 30,32
Ladder: 3
Rescue: 5
Tanker: 7
Fire Police: 10,11

Mutual Aid: Hampton Bays VAC, East Quogue FD, Southampton FD, Flanders FD